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Okay, Chow Tips are a little weird sometimes. It’s a website and video channel dedicated to giving quick, often too-brief tips for the kitchen and gardening, etc, and some of them are just a little bit crazy. Don’t get me wrong, some of them are actually really helpful but others are so off base that they’re just fun to watch to see how weird they do get. Like the Doritos Consomme video. Wow. Was she really serious about that?? Haha. Still laughing to this day. But my friend shared this recently on his Facebook page and so I wanted to share it with you because it actually makes perfect sense if you’re a hot dog lover. Why You Should Spiral-Cut Your Wiener:

[youtube id=”NyieI2bxyIk” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Let’s just say this off-the-record that I may or may not have eaten two hot dogs a day for about 6 months of my life a while back. That never happened. Or did it? So, depending on what you believe, I may or may not be an expert on hot dogs already. And I can honestly say that I have never thought about this spiral cut but that it makes SO much sense. I KNOW you have the same annoyed feeling when you have to rip off the ends of the bun to enjoy your hot dog. This fixes ALL of those ratio problems. And if you have major issues with ratios, like I may or may not, then this video might come in handy for you too:

[youtube id=”yv-AleRoXnM” width=”620″ height=”360″]