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Recipes: http://www.nourishyourlifestyle.com/cheatsheets 

Registration 21 day:  https://info.nourishyourlifestyle.com/joi..

Cheri Life Coaching:  http://​http://www.nourishyourlifestyle.com/nutri…


New 21 Day Challenge Starting 4-20-20!!!  Registration is open now!!!  This will be the last challenge until July 2020.

What is a 21 Day Challenge?  A way to teach you to live the Nutritarian lifestyle on a daily basis without having to think.

Basics+ include:  Brand new Eat to Live Recipes, Meal Plans, Grocery Lists, Prep Instructions, Facebook Group membership, substitute list for possible seasonal foods and Building Immunity Boost and help for healthy older age.

One of the best parts of this program to make your life easier is the “Rolling Prep”.  Preparation of meals can be the hardest, daunting part of any diet.  This method makes life so easy and can help encourage you to begin the Eat to Live program.

Instead of prepping your food per meal or making all your food in one day for the week, you can cut your work to a minimum.  Make one or two things per day which will be15 minutes tops each day.  By the end of four or five days, you have all you need and you just need to “throw” it together.


Day 1 – Lettuce, wash, dry, chop and refrigerate.  (This will last 3 – 5 days)

Day 2 – Make soup. Refrigerate and/or freeze

Day 3 – Roast squash, water sauce vegetables and mushrooms, spiralize zucchini.  Refrigerate.

Day 4 – Blend dressing. Refrigerate.

Day 5 – Make veggie burgers.  Refrigerate and or freeze.

Mix and match.  You will develop a rhythm system to have food ready at all times.  Try one and only one new recipe per week, 52 recipes per year.  This branching out will help you get over the fear of becoming an Nutritarian, to take the first step toward your health and find a calm, peaceful feeling about this lifestyle.

Discussed Cheri’s brother Nate and what has happened to him in the last 2 years since his beginning of the Nutritarian Diet and first interview.  Has lost 100 lbs. or more, has been working out over the 10 weeks and is looking amazing.  Showed pictures before and after. Muscle tone is unbelievable.  Will try to post a new interview before she delivers the twins.