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Ever wonder what all the fuss is with this Intermittent Fasting? Is it just a trend? Is it useful? Should you do it? It is even do-able?? I will answer all of your intermittent fasting questions relating to the Eat to Live lifestyle on this jam-packed podcast. And if you want to get more support along your way with a community of amazing folks, sign up for the Waitlist to join the Eat to Live family http://www.nourishyourlifestyle.com/family We’d love to welcome you in!


YouTube auto-generated transcript:


what if there was one thing you could do that would


single-handedly slow the aging process improve your


insulin sensitivity lower your blood


pressure optimize your body’s repair


mechanisms otherwise known as autophagy


or like that cellular repair


reduce inflammation reduce your cancer


risk reduce caloric intake automatically


and is super flexible and it even made


it easier for you to eat to live now i’m


not just talking about eat to live in


general here because it does all that


stuff too but what if there was one


other thing that you could sort of add


on top of your nutritarian eat to live


healthy eating that would do all that as


well and sort of double up on your


healthy properties of your diet


we’re going to talk all about that in


this episode of the watering world


podcast and this is intermittent fasting


everything you need to know


hi i’m sheri alberts and this is the


watering mouth podcast and i’m going to


teach you to eat to live lose the weight


and love the process for good


episode nine


okay so today we are jumping into all


things intermittent fasting now i gotta


give you a little disclaimer ahead of


time first of all i’m not a medical


professional so this is not medical


advice and second of all i’m only gonna


be talking about intermittent fasting


from an eat to live nutritarian


standpoint there’s a lot of other diet


modalities out there that use


intermittent fasting and i just want to


give you a little piece of advice in the


beginning here because i get this


question so much about intermittent


fasting and i think that the questions


come so much from the fact that when you


google intermittent fasting you’re going


to be receiving information from a ton


of different sources you have a ton of


different perspectives okay so there’s


going to be a lot of conflicting


information and i would like to say this


about intermittent fasting but also just


about your diet choice in general when


you choose a diet to eat in your life


like long term you should be choosing


based on longevity potential as well as


possibly weight loss if that’s


interesting but of course those two are


you know uh sort of tied together so


these are the kinds of things you want


to be


thinking about a diet for not just the


weight loss potential but also for the


longevity and the disease reversal and


disease prevention and all that all of


these things being important at once now


when you choose that diet what i like to


say is


we interrupt your programming for a


special interlude of my daughter


interrupting this podcast while i was


recording it and i just wanted to give


you a little heads up that i left it in


so that audio was going to sound really


weird because she came in asked a


question and then i thought we were done


but then she started making spider-man


hand gestures and pretending like she


was shooting webs at me and so of course


i could not let that happen and i had to


shoot webb’s back and she made a little


cameo onto the podcast if you’re


listening to the podcast obviously you


wouldn’t be able to see that but


um if you go to my youtube channel and


you watch this podcast on youtube you’ll


be able to see our little spider fight


okay back to


the spider fight and then


our original topic


yes love downstairs okay


i love you bye bye have fun


okay bye


oh we’re having a spider fight


come over here




we’re having a spiderweb fight


okay downstairs please


i love you close the door when you go


out okay when you choose a diet


lifestyle choose based on these factors


and then just decide to be done choosing okay


we we’re very interested in weight loss


in our diets right but we should also be


super super super interested in the


health effects of our of our diet so


once we’ve found one


that checks off these boxes just be done


looking okay so then what i like to say


is every piece of information that you


look for going forward


look for the answer to the information


in the context of that particular diet


style right because if you just google


you’re going to hear from so many


different sources so that’s what i just


want to say in the beginning of this


podcast that i’m going to be giving you


information from my perspective which is


strictly a nutritarian eat to live


perspective and some dr really good dr


greger stuff mixed in there as well very


similar to the you know nutritarian high


nutrient whole foods vegan plant-based


type lifestyle okay so that from that


perspective we’re speaking i’m going to


give you all the information i can okay


so first of all let’s just talk about


the definition of intermittent fasting


so fasting of course we know is just


that’s real that’s an easy one right


it’s just the lack of calories like not


in taking of calories right but


intermittent what does that actually


mean intermittent fasting so according


to webster intermittent means occurring


at irregular intervals not continuous or


steady so it’s something we just do for


a short period of time we’re going to


talk all about the different types of


intermittent fasting on this podcast


we’ll get into all that


but just knowing first of all this is


something we don’t do all the time


that’s going to set up this little


context here okay but i want to first


get a little bit meta about eating in


general and this is a concept that we


talk about in my life coaching school


but we also talk about it dr greger


talks about this in his book how not to


diet and i think this is such an


important concept just to sort of frame everything first


as humans as a species we haven’t been


having three meals a day


every day like continuously and and we


know this right because we look back at


say the medieval times or even you know


scarce for folks like they have to grow


their own food they have to get there


you know they haven’t have enough money


to buy the food and all that so it’s


more feast famine kind of a thing it’s a


natural human way of surviving right you


live in a very harsh climate you have to


preserve the vegetables and the fresh


fruit as much as you can so you can


things or you dry things or you smoke


things so that you can preserve them for


being able to eat them later right


techniques that we’re using in order to


deal with the sort of famine side of


things where you don’t where food is


scarce and then when food is abundant


using that food to you know maybe during


the summer time using that food to


save as much as possible use what you


have right now that sort of thing being


very creative with supply and demand in


this respect right but this is a very


like this is the base of humanity is not


having food be around on every corner


right it’s food is scarce as as a


resource food has always been scarce for


humans and it’s just like the last 50 to


every corner and starbucks are up on


every corner and we have an


overabundance of food now we have way


too much food so this is a very


short-term thing that we’ve been dealing


with trying to figure this out but what


is created is a pattern of this three


meals a day and now we all just consider


three meals a day as normal but for the


whole of humanity intermittent fasting


has actually been the norm okay so


actually not even intermittent like just


fasting you know this would be something


you do on a regular occurrence based on


factors around you that were out of your control so


something to just i want you to just


frame it in your mind this idea of three


meals a day is not even necessarily


normal from this historical perspective


okay and i think this is important


because one of the things that i think


people get scared of when they hear the


word fasting is oh my gosh this is an


eating disorder right this is something


wrong with this you should never be


hungry you should never


have you know a lack of food and first


of all you’ve got a biological component


here in your brain that tells you that


for sure because the food is scarce oh


my gosh we’re going to die right


so your brain kind of gives you these


alarms it’s that that


that primeval that that primal side of


your brain that is kind of freaking out


when things like this happen right but


there is also just the side of it that


we are just conditioned to believe that


three meals a day is correct and right


and it is what we need and so i want to


just i want you to first kind of start


to loosen up that a little bit right


like imagine you’re like unscrewing a


screw out of your brain you’re like oh


i’m just going to take this one out and


just loosen my concept of that a little


bit that i don’t have to have three


meals a day and and and even further i


don’t have to have five or six meals a


day like so many diet styles tell you


that you have to snack all the time you


have to be eating every two or three


hours or whatever


that is not the case this is not true we


don’t we don’t need this for any


biological reason and we know this


because humanity has survived without


that for millennia right okay so that’s


first of all let’s start there


but let’s move forward then and talk


about the different types of


intermittent fasting and then we’re


gonna zone in we’re gonna hone in on


just one of them in this podcast okay so first of all


there are a lot of different types of


intermittent fasting and i’m going to


give you a few of them this is based on


a really really awesome infographic that


dr greger has i’m going to put all this


stuff in the show notes so different


options for intermittent fasting


fasting for weight loss so you have


calorie restriction which is just just reducing


average daily caloric intake in general


right you have fasting which is not


eating at all or severely limiting


intake during certain times of the day


week or month then you have alternate


day fasting where you can back and forth


fast up to you know 100 calorie


reduction if you like and then you can


have a feeding day so one day is fasting


one day is feeding however you want to


do it there’s a 5-2 diet eating five


days of the week and fasting for the


other two there’s fasting mimicking


which is five days a month eating a


specially designed low calorie


plant-based diet or a time restricted


feeding which is what we’re going to be


talking about fasting for periods of at


least 12 hours but less than 24 hours


okay so so these are different ways that


you can fast for weight loss now these


are all options but i’m going to


actually tell you later on in this


podcast why i think fasting for weight


loss is a terrible terrible idea so


stick with me on that one but these are


some options now there’s no um food


police let me just say this too there’s


like nobody’s gonna come around and tell


you can’t do what you’re doing i mean


maybe your mom might tell you maybe your


best friend might tell you right but


this is actually your body so you


actually get to create whatever kind of


diet style and whatever kind of like you


know pattern you want to create for


eating that works for you


except of course if it gets to the um


eating disorder kind of place right if


we’re if we’re fasting just for weight


loss and it gets to a place where


you know we’re ignoring our nutrient


needs and our caloric needs and things


like that it gets to a place where we’re


doing it


because of a psychological issue then of


course we want to avoid that but


save for that kind of stuff if we’re not


talking about eating disorders you get


to do whatever you want with food this


is your body you get to feed it however you want


so i’m going to be talking from a


strictly like nutritarian perspective of


what is the best for


longevity potential and you know of


course weight loss potential as well but


longevity and disease prevention and


reversal as a first priority and you can


decide whatever you want you get to make


up your own protocol for any of this


stuff and what i think is best is if you


choose you choose anything you want and


then you tailor it for your particular


needs when it comes to just like where


you are in life and where you are


emotionally and mentally and when you


make up something that works for you


right now not like what some doctor


tells you to do or some health guru


tells you to do it’s you make up what


works for you at this moment in time in your life


and you kind of like go with the flow as


you’re aging and as you’re learning


things as you’re finding out what works


for you and what doesn’t you you be you


are fluid right like there’s no there


are no like eating police there are no


nutritarian police there’s like i’m not


gonna come to your house knocking and be


like hey i can’t believe you’re doing


this right this is for you this is for


you to always create what is best for


you so take everything i’m saying


and create something for yourself okay


so the first thing i like to say is um


of all those things that we talked about


and when dr greger was mentioning


time restricted feeding that is


intermittent fasting and that’s what


we’re going to be talking about today


time restricted feeding


so for me i feel like this is the


easiest place to start because as we


said in the intro


it actually automatically reduces your


caloric intake um if you do a smaller


eating window during the day so instead


of for instance so so intermittent


fasting in general what we’re what we’re


honing in on today is this idea of a daily fast


and you don’t have to do it every single


day we’ll get into that in a second but


where you do it on a daily basis so in a


period of 24 hours there’s a fast and


then the next day the next period of 24


hours you have another fast now we all have


everyone has a fast every single day and


that’s when you’re sleeping okay so


that’s why we call it breakfast right


because we’re breaking our fast from


overnight now some people for instance


might be eating in the middle of the


night and so their fasts are going to be


much shorter so during the day like


let’s say someone is eating five six


seven eight times a day you might only


be having one to two hour fasts per day


right in between meals um and so what


when we’re talking about intermittent


fasting we’re talking about is


lengthening those periods of time that


we’re fasting for so a typical


intermittent fast would be and the one


that you normally hear about nowadays


and the one that i’m kind of going to be


focusing on in this podcast is a 16 8


fast meaning you fast for 16 hours and


you eat all your food for the day within


an eight hour window so for instance if


you wake up at 8 00 a.m you would be


done eating at 4 p.m for the for the day


that’s it you know you you have


breakfast maybe at 8 00 maybe you have


lunch at 12 and then you have dinner at


three four perhaps right and then you’re


done or let’s say you begin eating at 10


and you stop at six you know that’s a


done eating at 6 p.m you do not eat


again anything besides water until the


next morning at 10 a.m that creates that


fasting state for you so you got this


period of 16 hours where your body is in


a fasting state now we talked about


in the beginning all the benefits of


this right so we know we like we know


why this is important it does all of


those things it lowers the information


reduces your cancer risk improves your


insulin sensitivity your blood pressure


slows the aging i mean so many things


like it’s like why wouldn’t you do it


right but let’s just talk about how can


you create a protocol for yourself of


intermittent fasting that works so


for intermittent fasting the 16-8 one or


even a little bit less too if you wanted


to do like a um a 14-10


or something or you want to start with maybe a 12-12


like just start with a 12-12 for


instance so that would mean like you


start breakfast at 8 and you’re done


eating by 8 pm that’s a very typical


eating window for folks anyways that’s


kind of like standard american diet-ish


right where maybe you eat at 6 7 p.m and


you have breakfast at eight something


like that or maybe you had breakfast at


seven and you’re finished eating by you


know five or something like that so you’ve got this


wherever you are right now so take where


you are right now now consider that if


you’re eating overnight or you’re eating


really late into the night so let’s say


you have breakfast at seven and then you


eat until maybe you have some snacks or


something at 9 10 11 p.m that window is


only you know seven eight hour window


and then for some folks who might get up


in the middle of the night to eat as


well now you’re cutting that window in


half where you’re only getting three or


four hours worth of a fast during the day which is


you know the health benefits are null


and void at that point the you know the


benefits of fasting don’t exist if you


if you’re not fasting for an extended


period of time so what we want to define


is sort of at least 12 hours okay so


we’re saying at least 12 to 20 24 hours


of a fast so that means if your eating


window is 12 hours that could be eight


to eight that would be a start maybe be


like okay this is where i’m starting and


you can gradually work your way towards


a 16-8 if you want or even further than


that you can get your way towards even a


fasting and four hours of eating


and this is something you could do in


the future it’s not something you ever


have to do but these are options for you


right the one meal a day camp the omad


camp is the same kind of an idea where


you only just have one


very large meal during the day and


that’s it so that would be like you know


for that one period of time that you can


get all that food in and then you don’t


eat for the rest of the day which is


actually a very typical


human species way of eating right so


and that’s sort of


the option for you and that’s kind of


how you start so you choose a window


that you want to intermittent fast for


so the kind of the general idea here and


you hear dr fermin talk about this a lot


is that when you intermittent fast what


you’re actually doing is


you eat for this period of time and then


when you’re done eating the body goes


through all of its digestion process


right so it’s digesting maybe two three


four hours or something it takes a while


to kind of like get that food moving


through and then once it’s finished


digesting or it might even take much


longer than that but once it’s finished


digesting it goes into a fasting state


or the catabolic state meaning


this is the state that the body is in


when it doesn’t have to digest then it


starts to go to work okay so i like to


like imagine the body


as having like a janitorial staff right


it’s got the the mop and the bucket kind


of a thing but that janitor can’t come


out while there’s a pep rally right so


the pep rally would be the digestion it


would be the fun everything’s going on


we’re eating a lot of things there’s a


lot of new input everything’s happening


and this pep rally is going on and not


until all the students have cleared out


of the gym can the janitor go and clean


right so you’ve got this custodial staff


that’s like just waiting around like oh


i know there’s something we need to


repair over there that doorknob is


broken and this you know the bleachers


are messed up over here and there’s so


much trash under here and so many things


to fix but it can’t fix anything until


all the students are out and they quit


littering all over the floor breaking


doorknobs and stuff right so imagine it


like this you’ve got this body that’s


sitting around waiting for you to allow


it to clean itself and that’s kind of


how it works that’s what this catabolic


state is and when it’s in that catabolic


state is when the most powerful disease


prevention and reversal are occurring


right so not only do you get all this


amazing antioxidants and vitamins and


phytochemicals and things from your


plant foods that you’re eating when


you’re on the nutritarian diet so that’s


like you know one half of the equation


but then if you add in a little bit of


fasting every day


then you have the added bonus of your


body having the time to be able to get


out that custodial equipment and you


know the mops and the buckets and the


heavy duty cleaning products and things


like to actually start to do some repair


okay so think of it kind of like that


and this is why you would do it so what


is the best time to intermittent fast


this is something that comes up all the


time if you ask dr fuhrman and you ask


dr greger they will say that the studies


in the literature show and that it is


proven that the best time to do this the


best time that your body is prepared to


be able to get out its mops and buckets is um


early in the evening to the next morning


so you want to be fasting during that


period meaning you want to be eating


early in the morning too early in the


afternoon early in the evening so for


instance a good fasting window might be


really great fasting window where if you


have your breakfast first thing 8 a.m or


let’s say you have to have it early


because you have to go to work or


something 6 a.m and then you’re done by


like that depending on what your work


schedule is like or how you can get that


food in right so maybe you have um maybe


you have a a meal at seven before you go


to work maybe you have your lunch at


noon and then maybe three four pm you


have a smaller meal or you just don’t


eat all together so then that becomes a


two meal per day kind of a day um so


that’s some some ways that you can do


that but scientifically you know the


research shows that eating um in this


period of time that’s earlier in the day


is much much better for


your um for that custodial system right for the


autophagy and the cleaning and the


repair and all those mechanisms to be


occurring overnight while you’re


sleeping now i have heard dr fuhrman say that


it’s best to end your eating window


around four or five


six pm at the latest okay so you can


kind of like do the math there on what


time you might have breakfast but if you


end your eating window at six he


mentions that for people who are going


to bed at like nine or ten right so you


can have at least like three or four hours


of digestion period before you go to bed


so that you’re not eating right before


you go to bed because that’s worse for you but


let’s say you’re somebody who stays up


until 11 or 12 or 1. then you could eat


a little bit later if you needed to


you’d have a good three four hours


before you went to bed to start that you


know to get that digestion going and to


be ready to do the um


the autophagy and the cellular repair


and all that all the catabolic processes


at night if you go to bed later that’s


totally fine too so this is really


really dependent on you and what’s


happening in your life and what’s going


on right one interesting thing in my


research that i came across


from dr greger was that they found


they took two groups and they were both


eating the same exact diet and the ones


who ate more food later in the day they


ate the heavier stuff later in the day


now these people are eating the same


exact diet remember okay the ones who


ate the heavier food later in the day


they were they didn’t lose as much


weight as the people who just ate the


heavier food earlier in the day which is


super interesting because that could show


that having a heavier breakfast having


having your biggest meal of the day be


breakfast and then maybe your lunch


being sort of this mid-range you know


they always do this like king king


prince thing so like your breakfast is


the king meal your lunch is the prince


and then your popper your poppers meal


or no meal at all is dinner okay i mean


this is just the size of the meal we’re


talking about so if breakfast is the


sort of heavier bigger meal with the fat


and the you know just super heavy then


maybe your lunch is a nice salad and


then dinner you either skip completely


or you end up having you know maybe a


juice or a smoothie like a small


smoothie or something like that just


something real easy on the body maybe a


small salad or some veggies and hummus


or whatever


something really small for dinner that’s


kind of the best way to get the most


results out of this weight loss wise and also for


just the catabolic phase and that repair


stuff having less in your tummy to


digest in the evening is such a better


way to go as far as getting those benefits of


intermittent fasting anyhow okay and dr


greger mentions that this is


everything to do with


a lot of things our circadian rhythms


are the metabolic slowing that occurs


later in the day are hunger patterns as


well as carbohydrate intolerance your


triglycerides and what’s really


interesting too is that insulin


sensitivity is higher in the morning


meaning that you’re going to have better


you’re going to have better insulin


control in the morning no matter what


you eat so if you were to eat like for


instance if you had more carbs higher


glycemic food in the morning your body’s


going to deal with it much better than


if you have that in the evening so


that’s something to consider too which


supports this idea of having dinner be a


pretty light meal that’s you know heavy


on vegetables possibly and light on fats and


you know especially


carbohydrates simple carbohydrates


things like that so now i want to skip


into a little bit of the mindset here


because to me what i do so that’s all


the facts about intermittent fasting


right what i do is i help people make


this a part of their life you know so


i’m going to give you all the facts and


usually that’s what you get from dr


furman that’s what you get from dr


greger you get the facts but i’m


interested in how to actually get you to


do anything that you want to do that


works for you so as i was talking about


before creating your own protocol for


this let me help you to sort of figure


out and wrap your mindset around this a


little bit okay so the first thing i


want to say and i said i was going to


mention this earlier


do not use intermittent fasting for


weight loss only okay do not fast for


weight loss now it is a given we know


this and i said this before it’s a given


that if you do intermittent fasting or


not you’re for sure going to lose more


weight if you do intermittent fasting


that’s just how it works that’s the


benefit of it as i said folks with the


same exact caloric intake automatically


lose weight or do you know


have a as if they were having a caloric


deficit just by intermittent fasting


okay so that’s fun that’s exciting right


but the issue with fasting this is the


the big huge point i want to make and i


if i could like you know have a flashers


going on or something while i say this


because in my experience this is true


and i’ve heard this from so many


different people as well


fasting should be never used for weight


loss because when you fast


you are throwing a lot of things out of


whack now we’re talking specifically


here like water fasting or these kinds


of heavier fats that you do like zero


caloric intake for a period of time


using those kinds of fasting measures


throw everything off metabolically


because your body is doing so many other


things now instead of digesting it’s


dealing with so many other things you


have so many things going on mindset


wise and emotionally and mentally


without food that you have to deal with


that in order to break a fast properly


you really have to do it under doctor supervision


and especially if you have medical


issues to be fasting in order to lose


weight can create so much imbalance in


your body with what type of


prescriptions you need now because your


your numbers are changing so quickly


your blood pressure your triglycerides


your cholesterol all these things are


changing so differently so quickly you


don’t want to be overdoing it your heart


medication whatever you got to be very


careful with that stuff so there’s that


but there’s also just the emotional and


mindset aspect of fasting that when you


get used to not eating for a while your


brain oftentimes what it will do when


you’re fasting is will start to make you


crave a lot more and so in the very


beginning of a fast you might have a lot


of cravings and then you might actually


deal with that emotional lack of food by


you know continuing to crave throughout


the fast or continuing to imagine what


are you going to eat when you get done


or whatever right that’s something that


a lot of i know i did that when i fasted as well


so you kind of have this little bit of


an obsession about food going on while


you’re fasting or while you’re dieting


that’s why like massive caloric


restriction it’s important not to do


that kind of stuff because then what


happens is when you’re done with the


caloric restriction or you’re done with the fast


you have to reintroduce the body slowly


to food right so that means like


starting with maybe a little bit of


juice for a day and then the next day


right you starting with some cooked


vegetables you starting with some soup


perhaps you maybe you add a little bit


of fruit and then the next day you do


this and you do that and you just add


things in slowly slowly slowly right now


that control that ability to control


your refeeding as they call it


is tough especially for folks like me


who are coming from a sort of emotional


eating food addiction kind of background


binge eating whatever to be able to come


off of a fast in the proper way


almost impossible for somebody like me


actually i was never


you know that never worked now for sure


i lost a ton of weight during the fast


that i had done i’ve only done one or


two of them possibly in the past when i


was like in my early 20s but i quickly


learned like fasting is not for me when


it comes to weight loss


it is a bazillion times more effective


to lose the weight using your food like


learn how to use food to lose weight


than to do something totally unnatural


which is not eating to lose weight and


then figure out how to eat again after


that okay so that’s my first thing i


want to say about using fasting for


weight loss not a good idea but let’s


talk about using intermittent fasting


for weight loss this is a different


animal because as i said earlier in the


beginning of the podcast it’s so much


easier to intermittent fast as this like whatever


it’s so much easier to intermittent fast


than it is to just stop eating all together


so doing a full-on fast where you’re


only having water or something like that


not advisable especially not for weight


loss it’s only advisable usually dr


frerman would say you would only use a


fast like this if you’re medically


supervised and you’re already at your


goal weight right so that’s when you


might use a fast like that but an


intermittent fast for instance so much easier to do


and you get to kind of control how many


hours you’re eating and not and still


get some really great benefits obviously


okay so consider that


intermittent fasting is sort of the easy


way to do it but it still gives you some


really really great benefits so when


we’re talking about using fasting for


weight loss you automatically get those


benefits but it’s not as taxing on your


mental state kind of a thing but we are


going to talk a little bit more about


mental state here too


so i have some questions here from


people in the audience i have a question


from someone on instagram and then i


have some questions from some folks in


my coaching membership the eat to live


family so i’m going to start with a question from


from instagram that came in from


somebody named michelle schiff and maybe


it’s maybe it’s michael schiff not sure


but i think it’s michelle so her


question says she’s read doctor from his


books and understand that he’s all for


intermittent fasting but not to overdo


it she says i find myself starving


sometimes but still wanting to stick to


the program i would love to hear your


thoughts about it on the podcast so this


is an interesting question first of all


i would love to get some more


information about this but i’m actually


thinking what you’re referring to i mean


you said intermittent fasting


but certainly if you’re starving then


there’s something you can adjust earlier


in the day when you’re eating all right


so that’s the first thing i want to say


if you ever find like yours but but i


have to make a little just a little side


note here too because


starving this feeling of starving which


is perhaps actually toxic hunger do you


know what i mean like i don’t know if


you know what toxic hunger is and we’ll


talk about this enough on a future


podcast but toxic hunger is actually a


symptom of withdrawal from standard


american you know diet type processed


foods we’re getting too much sugar oil


and salt so you start to have this you


just have so much processed food you know uh


simple carbohydrates things like that


your body is actually in withdrawal from


that if you start to eat um this way


like let’s say you start to intermittent


fast you’re not used to having such a


long window of not eating when you’re


pausing you’re eating in this way your


body actually starts to go through some


really intense detox which is called


toxic hunger that’s what we when we feel


irritable and feel shaky and crabby and


angry and all these kinds of things


you know headaches and stuff like that


that’s actually withdrawal from


processed food that’s actually not


hunger and when we get our bodies as


we’re talking about this detox this


catabolic phase where the body is


cleaning itself out and getting some of those


things like nitrogenous waste products


excess protein that you are getting from


the standard american diet etc as the


body’s cleaning that stuff out over the


days and weeks you start to feel a lot


better about hunger and hunger starts to


become a lot easier so the first thing i


want to say is possibly this quote


unquote starvation that you’re feeling


is actually toxic hunger and it’s worth


it actually to try to get through that


and that’s something you can’t fake


you’ve got to just get through that


meaning you’ve got to just keep doing


the nutritarian diet and get to that


place but you don’t have to fast in


order to get there you could say do six


to 12 weeks of the nutritarian diet just


by itself like the um the six week


program or whatever just the sort of


aggressive beginning program where


you’re 100 for a while learning the tricks of the trade


and then you can add in intermittent


fasting as you go which i think i highly


recommend actually because then you’re


not like compounding all the side


effects of that toxic hunger as well as


really not eating for 12 you know 14


hours or whatever your 16 hours kind of


thing you’re actually just doing things


step by step so it’s a little easier on


your body to deal with right


and i love to say also that if you’re feeling starved


just try to eat more during the day okay


so during that window that you are


eating try to have bigger meals and this


is a thing that i think


people have so much problem with in the


beginning of the eat to live diet


because they really don’t understand


that we mean like huge though we don’t


mean like you know a salad like you


might side salad you might get a


restaurant or like even any kind of


salad you might get at a restaurant we


mean like double that triple that


quadruple that for reals like a salad is


something that’s going to shrink down


crazy smaller size than what the


original salad was before you started


chewing it and you’re gonna actually


have so much more comfortable digestion


in that respect okay so first of all


make sure that the meals that you’re


eating are large enough so we’re talking


about like very large smoothies we’re


talking about very large salads


you know big quantity of food to make


sure that when you actually do


intermittent fasting and you try to stop


eating at three four five


six pm that you’re not like ravenous by nine pm okay


the other thing to mention is that


there’s a whole mindset part of this too


that like if you are struggling with not


eating at seven eight nine pm could it


be and this is what you wanna be asking


yourself at seven eight nine pm could it


be that i’m actually just craving and


i’m not actually hungry so a trick for


that is just have a huge glass of water


right like just go drink like 8 12 16


ounces of water and you know wait 15


minutes and see what happens you know do


you feel starved again afterwards if you


do then you just didn’t eat enough food


during the day or you’re going through


this toxic stuff right and you’re just


detoxing kind of a thing i suggest that


you eat more food and give this some


time to work this through and then also


consider maybe intermittent fasting just


isn’t right for you at this moment maybe


you want to wait a few more weeks for


your body to calm down a little bit


after eating you know a ton of nutrition


foods for a few weeks get that body


really like in fighting shape and then


add in intermittent fasting okay now


what i want to mention too is there’s


this like mental thing that happens with


people who are like no i have to eat


this way right now because i have to


reverse this thing and this is really


bad already and whatever and i have to do this right now


and this is such a slippery concept


because folks feel like yes i’m sold on


this diet i need to eat this way now


but i can’t possibly


do this 100 i’m just not good at it yet


right and they start to get really down


on themselves because they can’t be


perfect and that is such a terrible like


um catch 22 to be stuck in so what i try


to teach and when i try to coach


especially in the eat to live family is


let’s do small shifts okay let’s do


small shifts we’re just doing one thing


at a time this thing now this thing now


let’s try to tackle this thing in this


thing because when you try to do


everything all at once our perfectionism


kicks in and we’re like no we got to get


it all right and then when something is


off in real life and we can’t handle it


then we think oh i’ll never get it right


right and it’s this total catch 22. so


my thought is more and the way that i coach folks is


let’s do one thing at a time let’s add


in another thing when we’re truly ready


okay and you’ll know that you’re ready


for intermittent fasting because you you


know you’re getting through toxic hunger


you’re really familiar with the cooking


techniques and how to make these salads


and and you also i would actually say


and i’m just formulating this idea right


now but i would actually say that


understand how to create nutritarian


weight loss with three meals a day first


first of all the first small shift is no


more snacking okay so if you’re still


snacking you know that’s not really like


the nutritarian protocol okay so so


figure out how you can learn to not


snack anymore so let’s go to three meals


a day and then once you can get a good


protocol of foods that keep you satiated


during the day but also create weight


loss which by the way this is what we do


in our our 21 and five day challenges


and the free 90 challenge on my website


or on my what i eat in a day videos on


the youtube as well when you can learn


what foods you need in order to be


satiated and lose weight


that’s when you move on to the next step


right so i would like to suggest that if


you haven’t cut out snacking first


figure out how to do that get good at


that and be comfortable with that then


figure out how to have only three meals


a day and learn how to lose weight on


those three meals a day


maybe you like to just do two meals a


day anyways like that’s what i was like


in college it was just kind of always


natural for me to intermittent fast even


though i was doing the later in the day


intermittent fasting which brings me to


another point later in the day


intermittent fasting so what i’m trying to say is


do things that work for you now and just


work on getting towards that kind of


ideal of having everything


in in the nutritarian kind of um you


know perspective like try to get all of


those things under control over time


like add in this then at you know cut


out snacking then have you know three


meals a day only or and then go to two


meals a day and try intermittent fasting


or spread those meals out or have really


big meals and then work on not


overeating ever and having the right


amount of nuts and seeds and you know


making sure there’s no


salt anymore and these things you you


learn to incorporate into your lifestyle


as you go instead of trying to do all


the things perfectly at once is


typically what happens to people and


causes them to fall off the lifestyle


and think that it’s impossible but when


we are doing these things little by


little and going like okay now this


month i’m going to be working on trying to do some in


intermittent fasting or this month i’m


going to be working on cutting down my


salt intake or whatever right


when we do it in this way it’s possible


for our brains to kind of wrap itself


around what’s even happening instead of


having all this stimulus around us okay


so consider those things um


and that was a long answer to your


question michelle but um but yeah so so


i would like to say that um


if you’re finding yourself having


trouble sticking to the program because


you’re starving then you’re not doing it


right right you have to find ways to eat more


and lose weight which typically means


i mean if weight loss is your goal but


typically that means you need to


increase the amount of non-starchy


vegetables learn how to make those


things taste amazing so that you really


like doing that we have a billion ideas


on that on my channel and in the eat to


live family and our challenges and all that


learn how to do that stuff first figure


that out then add in the other parts and


see you know reach out for help too find


out why these things are aren’t um


aren’t working for you and what you


might change and there’s so much


information out there okay now we have


some questions from some of my eat to


the family that’s my group monthly group


coaching membership so debbie says how


much does an ounce or two of plant milk


and a beverage affect the fast different


experts say different things so this is


a really great question i get all the


time can i have coffee in the morning if


i’m if i’m not i’m going to fast until


you know 12 1 pm or whatever i choose to


do the later day fast idea which by the


way remember you get to choose whatever


you want here so if you want to be doing


the later day fast which is maybe a


little bit less benefit for longevity


and things like that but maybe helps you


with the you know the cravings and the


weight loss and things like that maybe


that works best for you cool so a lot of


people always ask can i have coffee in


the morning or how much


creamer or how much plant milk can i put


in the coffee to not break the fast and


i would like to unfortunately break it


to you that zero


that’s unfortunately the answer here


from dr fuhrman i was reading it in the


member forum dr fuhrman has a member


forum where you can ask i mean you can


just search for anything in the member


forum from the from i think it was like


questions in there and there are like


you know tons and tons of answers on


there and unfortunately in several


places he says that coffee is actually not


it will actually break a fast then


because it contains caffeine caffeine so


it’s actually a stimulant which probably


he says probably interrupts the detox


process of the fasting state right and


so he says the only thing that you can


really have in the morning in order to


maintain a fast or any time you’re


fasting is uh no caffeine herbal tea or


water right so those are the two things


that you could have so no amount of


plant milk is going to be okay no amount


of you know i know a lot of people say


that like oh you can have whole milk in


your coffee and that doesn’t make a no


there’s tons of calories in there that


totally affects the fast and it totally


affects the whole point of the


intermittent fasting which is to get


those detox benefits right and the detox


benefits occur when the body is no


longer digesting having caffeine


stimulating the body or having some


plant milk some calories running through


your system is like still having some


kids in that pep rally like kind of you


know making their way home but still


hanging out in the gym right that’s what


that’s kind of like so it’s going to


affect it i mean how much it affects it


i have no idea but


it definitely is part of that so i want


and that will break that fast unfortunately


so another question here from christy


so christy says is it really um who is


in the eat to live family as well is it


really a good idea to fast for 24 hours


one day a week i hear mixed reviews


so this is the thing about this so this


is in line with the you know other fast


that dr greger was talking about on that


infographic that he has which is linked


in the show notes


i personally think that there’s actually


nothing wrong with a little bit of


fasting like that every once in a while


if you’re good at it okay so like i was


talking about before like for me


personally i’m not a very good faster


because i tend to get really cravy i get


a little irritable and cranky and i


don’t really like how i act when i’m


like that and my thought is like


why fast if i don’t need to right like


why not continue to flood my body with


these wonderful nutrients if i can get


to my goal weight and i can stay at my


goal weight and things like that


wouldn’t i prefer to learn how to do


that and do that consistently than


putting in 20 hour fast 24 hour fast in


order to do that now i don’t think that


there’s anything wrong with doing that


can handle it right


but it is more of the like idea that


most people can’t handle it because of


the mood effects that they have because


the energy it’s kind of tough to


maintain your energy if it’s just a 24


hour fast like you notice if you do a


longer fast after about day three four


is when you start to get more energy but


those first few days you’re just dealing


with detoxing a bunch of stuff right so


especially if you’re not like 100


no processed food like you know


nutritarian you’re going to have some


stuff to detox in that first day which


will probably make you feel a little bit


poorer just in that first day and then


most folks would end up overeating the


next day to kind of make up for that so


you want to like this is such a personal


thing you really want to be able to be


creating a protocol for you that works for you and


most importantly i think


looking at what your


intention is for the fast is the


intention weight loss because if it is stop it because


you can learn to lose weight as dr


fermin always says and this is a hundred


percent true weight is lost in the


kitchen and gained in the gym so if you


want to build muscle and gain weight go


to the gym lift some weights right if


you want to lose weight 100 do that with


your food it is so


simple to do if you learn to follow this


lifestyle it’s so simple to do it’s not


easy when you’re coming from sandrick


and diet it can take a little while to


learn this process but it’s so easy to


lose the weight once you get that dialed


in and so i say why not do it that way


if you can if it’s just about weight


loss then do it with your food instead


and you can save the fasting you know


once you get really good at it if you’d


like to do some type of a fast and


you’re already or go away that’s totally


cool right or just use intermittent


fasting to get those detox benefits okay


chantal in the eat to live family says


due to the kind of work i do i could


easily do intermittent fasting for a few


days a week like three to four but


mostly most likely not the other days is


it worth it if you cannot consistently


do this yes a hundred percent you’re


still going to get those amazing


benefits no matter how many days a week


you do it so do it as much as you can or


as little as you can there’s nothing


wrong with doing it all the time if you


want to just do two meals a day all the


time that’s totally fine there’s nothing


wrong with that um and if you want to


just do it every once in a while that’s


fine too i personally will do just a few


days out of the week just like that


chantal and and then you know we’ll end


up the other days just having three


meals or whatever kind of works for my


schedule so totally fine and jessica in


the italy family asks is a pattern of


overeating after incorporating


intermittent fasting in a 16-8


iaf schedule for a female who’s


pre-menopausal linked to thoughts or


hormones um so this is a great question


and certainly there could be some


hormonal you know involvement in this


but i would say that definitely as i was


mentioning before this is a thought


thing happening here so it’s the way


that we think about it the way that we


crave and the way that we think about


food that is at this point where oh no


i’m about to cut off my eating for the


day it’s going to be a long time before


i get to eat again i’m worried about


that i’m worried about my hunger right


we have all these thoughts about this


like what’s going to happen if i stop


eating i can’t really do it and then we


end up overeating because of those


thoughts right where if we could go into


it with a very calm countenance like


this is all good i can i’ve had hunger


before i don’t care about hunger it’s


fine like i can be hunger i’m not hungry


i’m not gonna die you know if we had more of a


perspective or a mindset like that


intermittent fasting would be a breeze


right and even if you got hungry a


little bit afterwards you know you


wouldn’t be overeating because you knew


that hunger was not an issue kind of a thing okay


all right and the last question comes


from my brain because i know


many of you are thinking this and i’ve


actually seen this asked so many times


this idea about intermittent fasting in


dinner time so how is it and we’ve had a


lot of people who’ve had this question


come up on our challenges as well


because typically when our challenge is


up the dinners are very small there’s


that sort of proper mentality of just a


very small dinner just to get you


through until bedtime right so


this question of what do i do if my


family is used to a regular dinner and i


want to start eating less i’ve had


people talk about how they’re worried


their kids are going to think they have


an eating disorder or their kids are


going to start to have their own eating


disorder because they see mom not eating


and this kind of a thing right so


i would like to say from my perspective


as a mother i have a four-year-old and i


have two one-year-old twins


the way that we eat with our family


certainly does teach our children things right


but to be fearful that eating for health


is going to teach them negative things


is just that it’s just fear okay


we have the ability to educate our


children on whatever topic that we want


to and so education in this way can be


very important because if we’re doing


something because it creates the best


health health outcome for us wouldn’t we


want our kids to learn about it too okay


so yes of course we want our kids to


learn about it too because maybe when


they’re 18 24 36 whatever they’re gonna


want to be able to do something like


this as well and understand these things


and understand why they’re useful right


i don’t recommend fasting by any means


for a child or for a teenager or


anything like that they need like the


opposite they need tons of calories to


you know keep developing and things like


that but for them to be able to see that mom


can take control of her own eating and


does something that’s best for her body


at the point where her body is right


like mom is 48 and she doesn’t need to


eat as much food right now and it’s


important for her to eat for her own


hunger and her own you know these are


all healthy concepts to teach a child


it’s all healthy to have a child understand that


this is within their own control their


eating habits are in their own control


and we should do it based on what we


feel is going to help us with longevity


and you know healthful outcomes right


and then there’s the practical aspect of


how do you actually do this when you


need to prepare a big huge dinner for


your family or you need to um you know


eat with them and you’re just having a


green juice and they’re having this


wonderful mashed potatoes and meat or


whatever right so yeah that’s a huge


that’s a huge question and that’s


actually the question that we answer


this kind of


how do i do this when the world around


me isn’t doing it we answer that in the


eat to the family it’s all mindset it is


our thoughts how do we


how does one


use discipline how does one have


discipline in the face of things that we


don’t want to have discipline about right


that is mindset that is using the


techniques that we teach in the eat to


live family and the techniques that we


teach in my coaching programs


we even talk about this a little bit in


the challenges as well using these


techniques to learn how to


do something for our health in the face


of a world that does not do things for


their health okay and especially if we


have a family that has always eaten


standard american diet perhaps or you


know may be helpful but just not as


helpful as us or or maybe they eat these


beautiful wonderful nutritarian meals at


night and you really want some and you


want to have some nuts and things like


that as well but you know on the menu is


only you know a green juice or something like that


or maybe you just want to skip dinner in the face of all that


learning to control your mindset around


that and create discipline in these


moments is what creates that longevity


for us because it ensures that we’re


going to be eating healthfully for our


particular bodies our particular


metabolisms what our needs are


calorically and weight wise and all that


kind of stuff when we can get that stuff


figured out and learn how to do it in


the face of all those other things


that’s when we truly gain control and


when we have had led a lifetime of being


out of control in this respect i know i always had


when we start to learn this control we


can apply it in any situation that we


come across in our life not just with


food but with many other things that we


need discipline for okay so this is what


we teach this is how this this mindset


component of it is everything


and so i just want to mention you know a couple things there


you can do this anyone listening to this


podcast right now has the tool that they


need in order to do what i’m talking


about which is your brain everyone has


one of those i know because you’re


listening to this podcast right and also


the other the last note i want to make


about it is with your family


when we equate love with sitting down


and having a meal with somebody


let’s question that for a sec okay what


is love actually and what do we actually


want our definition of love to be with


our families now maybe it always maybe


you’re italian right or maybe it always


has been the sit down dinner at night


who’s to say that you can’t shift over


time the idea of that love what is that


love right love is actually the together


part it’s not the pasta right we have erroneously


tied them together this whole time but


it’s actually that’s actually not love


when we know that’s actually the


opposite of love because it doesn’t


create longevity it doesn’t create you


know long-term being around it creates


disease and things like that right so


what is love actually how do we actually


show love so that’s what we work to this


is all mindset stuff right this is what


we’re talking about in the intelli


family we work to rework that idea what


is our idea of love and do we have to


have do we have to like


do we have to be eating the same meal as


the person next to us in order to be


loving each other no that sounds silly


when you say it that way right do we have to be


on the same diet plan in order to be


connected with someone no that sounds


silly too like that’s not true so can we


redefine the way that we show love and


the way that we experience love can we


redefine it for our kids too can we


redefine it and now these things can


take time but can we redefine it for a


husband as well like we don’t have to be


eating the same foods to be loving or


enjoying a moment we what is enjoyment


come from it comes from


just actually physically sitting next to


each other and experiencing a memory at


the same moment right that can be our


definition of love and so we can shift


our idea of dinner time all together


right or sunday supper we can shift the


whole thing to what we want it to be and


what actually incorporates our health as


well so those are the questions you


start to ask yourself especially when


you get in my world you start to ask


yourself that kind of stuff and i will


be asking you that stuff too especially


if you join the eat till the family


that’s all we ever talk about is how can


we shift from those beliefs and those


thought patterns that we have to create


beliefs and thought patterns that create


the results we’re looking for okay whoa i think i


i think that’s everything i had so much


to say in this one because there’s


there’s just so much wonderful research


about this now and i’ve gotten so many


questions about this over the years so i


hope that i got most of this if you have


any other questions


you know feel free to reach out to me on social media or


join the intelli family because this is


the place where we talk all about this


nitty gritty you could imagine it like


facebook um but only for nutritarians


only for people who want to eat to live


you didn’t you don’t have to be 100


nutritarian by the way you can be like


any you can be like one percent


nutritarian or it can be like zero


percent nutritarian but interested to


join the utility family and understand


just how to eat healthfully right


imagine it’s like facebook um with


hundreds of folks just like you who want


to eat to help want to eat healthy who


are anywhere on that healthy eating


spectrum but more importantly want to


learn the mindset over how to do it long


term and consistently and there’s so


many like i have so many courses and


programs and free 21 day challenges and


and me i’m in there too every single day


answering questions and helping folks


with their issues and all that so


consider joining the italo family


because this is where we dig into this stuff


and you can go to nourishyourlifestyle.com


family to learn more thank you so much


for hanging out with me on this podcast


i hope you loved it and i will see you


in the next episode